Chicago Heights Free Public Library (CHFPL) offers in-library access to electronic information, services and networks, including access to the Internet. The Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world.

The Library staff is not available for Internet instruction. We can often answer certain questions, but cannot give in depth individual instruction. Helpful books, videos and magazines are currently available for this purpose. Also, please inquire about our schedule of Internet classes.


This policy must be followed in conjunction with other Chicago Heights Free Public Library policies governing appropriate library conduct and behavior. Chicago Heights Free Public Library complies with all applicable federal, and state and local laws.

      • Two hours of internet time per day per CHFPL card
      • One hour of internet for patrons with a Valid State ID
      • Be polite and keep your area clean.
      • Keep all belongings within a one computer area.
      • You may bring your own headphones and flash drive.


      • No talking, no cell phones, and no inappropriate languages in your messages.
      • Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.
      • Changing any of the Library’s software configurations.
      • Damaging the Library’s computer system and/or data.
      • Altering settings.
      • Downloading software.
      • Unauthorized copying or downloading copyright protected materials and/or websites.


In compliance with the federally mandated provisions of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Library employs technology protection measures (or “internet filters”) to block or filter access to inappropriate information via the internet or other forms of electronic communications.

Specifically, as required by the CIPA, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors.

If possible and subject to staff supervision, Internet filters may be disabled or minimized for individuals 17 and older for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. Internet users may request that a blocked site be unblocked. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Director or Department Head. The site will be evaluated based on the criteria for the selection.


Users of the Internet should be aware that most resources available via the Internet and other electronic information networks are global resources rather than local resources. Chicago Heights Free Public Library does not and cannot control the information content obtained from outside sources via the internet. Patrons are responsible for any actions resulting from information they send out over the Internet, including credit card information, personal addresses or phone numbers, or any other information the patron information the patron releases. The Library is not liable for any consequence incurred as a result of Internet usage.


This policy complies with, and fulfills the requirements of , the Children’s internet Protection Act [Pub.L.No.106-554 and 47 USC 254 (h)] also known as CIPA.


Any violation to this policy can or may result in loss of library privileges for the day up to and including revocation of all library access privileges and/or appropriate legal action. Each case will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

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